Multi sided Apps (particular case)

Hello everyone,

I know that the question of Multi Sided has already been discussed a lot but I have a small problem that I can’t solve (despite the tutorials and youtube videos).

I have 2 users: Clients and Professionals

Clients : Mail & Password
Professionals : Password (only)

Already I can’t create the “difference” between the two. I followed the following tuto: #TwoMinuteTuesday | Multi sided Apps - YouTube

Despite this, nothing works.

For professionals, I tried to create a login form only with ONE password field but I have an error (I have the impression that it absolutely wants a mail field).

So my question is: How do I differentiate between 2 users, one with an email address & password (Customers) and one with only a password to fill in (Professionals)?

Do not hesitate to tell me if I am not clear


Hi @Totoz ,

In Adalo, you need to use both email and password, if you do not want to ask email for certain type of users, you can use random text, using custom formula and RAND().

This is an example of guest login, so actually it is still a user with email.

Ok thanks for this information.

After that, to differentiate both users,I just have to follow the tutorial from Adalo with both boolean condition. Right ?

Yes, you can use boolean or numbers or text, whichever suits you.

I dont understand why it doesnt works :frowning:

I have created that

Of course, I thought to put True or False depending on the right user.

After I did that on the client user

Problem : I can log in while using the other account, the business account

My architecture

You need to link to either page based on the True/False of the Boolean.

You could also have a splash screen that has a page action to link based off that field.

“You need to link to either page based on the True/False of the Boolean.” I dont understand… About visibility ?

I’m a novice. What is the best solution in your opinion ?

Where can I find the right documentation to build that ?

It is not a good practice to put both home and welcome screen at the same screen.

Welcome screen is for non logged in user, home screen is for logged in user.

You can add me as team member, I will fix the redirection of home screen for free, just DM me when you are willing to do that.

What’s your email adress ?

I need it to add to as a team member

I tried this

The problem is that when I click on Preview, the application launches and thinks it is already logged in by a user but I don’t want that…

Hi everyone,

Despite your advice, I still haven’t managed to get what I want. I’ve been testing things but I still can’t tell the two users apart. I can’t make the connection with my true and false.

@Bobby what do you mean through “link to either page based on the True/False of the Booelan” ? Which pages ?

I created a link with a push to go to the page “Bluetooth” with a condition, as you can see below

But it doesnt work…

Hey there @Totoz

Sometimes actions right after the login or signup actions will not work because it does not allow enough time to load the parameters.

Let me show you an alternate method that you may like.

We’re validating the user based on a true/false parameter. In this example, I’ll call it “Professional”

Add a blank screen, name it “Splash”, and set this screen as the “Home” screen.

Add a countdown timer to the screen and set it to 2 seconds. Add 2 actions with conditions.

You can set this countdown timer as transparent/invisible by lowering the opacity of the colors to 0.

Last, you can add a lottie animation for UI/UX:

So when a user logs in, signs up, or launches the app when they’re already logged in, we send them to the splash screen. The splash screen directs them to the proper placed based on the true/false parameter.


Thanks a lot @Flawless !

I understand better how it works.

So in my case, I did that

Now I have another problematic which is to create 2 access way :

  • Resident : email & password (classical use case)
  • Maintenance : a code

How do you think I can do this most easily?

I though that was easy by using a collection “Maintenance” which might include the code but with a login form, I can only use Users collection :frowning: