🎉 New APIs from Abracadalo | String APIs

Hey Everyone!

We have just add more String APIs! Now you can do even more thing with your texts!!

:scissors: String API | Trim (FREE)
Removes white spaces from ends of a string. You can choose between right, left or both side.
Note: This API is FREE for use
Learn more here

:date: String API | Date
This API allow you to convert a “Text” property into an Adalo “Date & Time” property. For example you can use the default Adalo input to write a date in whatever format you want and it will be converted into a “Date & Time”.
Learn more here

:axe: String API | Substring
Now you can extract a portion of a string. For example, if you have I love Abracadalo you can extract only adalo property.
Learn more here

:crazy_face: String API | Reverse
emosewa si oladacarbA. Now can reverse a string (Abracadalo is awesome)!
Learn more here

:ticket: String API | Padding
Have you ever wanted to display the number of a ticket or a customer in a beautiful way (Example: CUST 001, CUST 002, …, CUST 010)? Now, you can with this new API! You can add padding to a text. This can be interesting to have leading zeros in order to force a 2-digit representation of a number (08, 09, 10, 11).
Learn more here

:call_me_hand: Check and Vote Upcoming APIs and features !
Come and check our upcoming APIs and features. We invite you to vote for the features you would like to see first happening in Abracadalo . Vote, Vote, Vote!
:point_right: :point_right:Click here :point_left: :point_left:

If you would like to get your free account please visit
abracadalo.com and you can sign up directly on our homepage!