🔥 New Templar Design Template: The 1st Fully-Responsive Adalo Website UI Kit

Do you want to create a full website for your app in Adalo?

Our SAAS (software as a service) Website Template is perfect for any software company. It’s a responsive web app that will showcase your app and get more people to sign up for your app/services.

With our template, you can easily create a website that reflects the professionalism of your business. You’ll have everything you need to get started, including a home screen, about us screen, services screen, projects screen, blog posts screen, contact screen, terms of service screen, and privacy policy screen. And it’s all fully responsive so it looks great on any device!

Clone this app today from the Templar Design Adalo Template Marketplace and get started creating your perfect website within Adalo!

SAAS Website Template Includes:

  • 14 Total screens
  • Home, About Us, Projects, Services, Blog, Contact, Signup/Login Screens
  • Fully responsive for desktop & mobile devices
  • Built on Desktop PWA but all screens can be copied and pasted into native mobile apps
  • Designed with conversions in mind
  • Easily customizable

:rotating_light: This template requires the “Device Detector” component by NoCode Monkey from the Adalo Component Marketplace (Currently this component is $35). :rotating_light:

Now available on the Templar Design Adalo Templates Marketplace !

:warning: IMPORTANT :warning:
All of my templates are guaranteed to function properly. If you experience any issues with any of my templates, reach out to me and I’ll provide support. I believe in my products and I want you to be happy with your purchase.

(Support does not include customization. Support includes troubleshooting and fixing any issues that you may have with my templates)


This looks great!! Using the device detector to its full potential ! I’ll defo pick this up! Great work.

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This is very cool!

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@Flawless Is this template easy to alter to a different format? For example, if i want a SaaS dashboard, rather than landing page?

Thanks fellas @iAppsNi & @theadaloguy :sunglasses:

Yeah, you could just switch the login flow so instead of having the login screens after the initial screens, you’d just have the user log in first and then direct them to the first home screen.

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But couldn’t have a left hand menu for example?

It could absolutely have a left sidebar menu instead of a top menu. All you’d need to do is ungroup the top group (the menu section) and set up that very top menu as a left sidebar menu instead.

It does also contain a “Mobile Menu” screen already too.

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I’ll put a “Saas” dashboard web app UI kit on my roadmap too.

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I think it will be popular


I currently only have 3 desktop web apps available in my shop. To be transparent with you, I’ve been waiting on Adalo’s responsive features to come out before making more web app templates but I do see a need for some very specific web apps.

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Nicely done.

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Nicely done! Question for you…how does someone actually purchase the app from the template?

Thanks :sunglasses:

You can send the user to a payment screen after the signup screen.

Looks great!

Are the payment and signup screens actually in the Adalo app and the website just sends them to the app?

This can all be a part of your app, so you can build out the payment screens inside the template or you could copy and paste the template screens from my template into your own app.
