No longer getting the option for the camera

I have an app running as a webapp at this point that uses the mobile camera to take and store photos. It has been working for over a month.

However, today the app does not present the option for the camera anymore…just the ability to pick an existing photo from the gallery.

I have created a one screen “camera test app” with a photos collection trying to figure it out. It is not providing the option for the camera either.

Maybe this is an issue with my subscription? I upgraded to team from trial last week.

Any help is appreciated!


Hello, can you please provide an image for the issue you’re experiencing?

Thank you!

Thanks for responding. There really aren’t any meaningful images. As my production app has 20–25 screens, I decided to isolate the photo problem in a test app to see if the problem existed there. It does the same thing.

I created an app with one collection (photos) along with the default users.

When I tap the picture field, the app presents only the media picker. In the past, it would offer a tile with the camera along with the media on my phone. I would select the camera and take the picture.

Again, this worked for weeks. I made no changes in the app except for a few admin screens. The only other thing that comes to mind is that I upgraded my plan to “Team” from the trial.

I have tested the camera at which also opens the camera in Chrome. I works just fine. Also, the camera works in appsheet apps.


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