However, in my case, I don’t want to add a property to a collection for this calculation.
Just like we can have independent and free inputs flying around the app with the “Text input” element, I want to use something like that but for numbers. So it would be called “Number input”, but that doesn’t exist, and the “Text input”, even when set as a Number, does not do the trick when using it with conditions.
Is there a way? Or will it end up being a feature request?
I made a feature request for this a while back. I believe we should have the ability to use an input set as a number type input and comparisons ( = > < )
Update: From the Adalo support team they recognise the same thing. Once a “Text input” is set as a number, Adalo should recognise it as such and show the correct condition options.
They have passed this to the product team for their review, but they don’t know what priority it will have.
This “bug” has been a subject of my ire for a while, but I’d just accepted it as another one of Adalo’s random things that just “don’t work”, and now have literally dozens of hacky workarounds weaved throughout my app. It would be great if they fix it… but man, annoying… Not as annoying as counts sometimes not refreshing for certain fields in certain contexts, or the miriad other random bugs that torpedo what should otherwise be straight-forward app-building, but annoying nonetheless.