Plyr component does not play videos. I’ve tried everything... 🙃

Hi all,
I am trying to embed videos to my app.
I have tried to put a list of videos with the vimeo links (using magic text) and doesn’t work.
I have tried Amazon s3 and doesn’t work.
I have tried the web view with the embed link from Vimeo and doesn’t work.
Result is always the same for the first two: I click play and doesn’t play.
For the web view it doesn’t even appear.
Can anyone pls help!! :upside_down_face:

Did you set the cors policy on s3?

I did this video a while back dealing with that issue

If it’s not the cors policy, can you post a screenshot of your PLYR video setup?


Thaaanks Man! You are a legend. I’ve solved it before your message thanks to your video!! I should make you CTO :rofl: :joy:

Please keep up the good work! :muscle:


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