[Question] How to manage images and videos on different platforms?

I have a question.

  1. If I select an image or file picker, does it already reduce my storage space? Or does it consume space when I save the url etc. to the database?

  2. I want to manage my images and videos in a separate storage, is it possible?

The reason for my question is that I would like to manage my images and videos in a separate storage, but I wanted to know if the upload is complete when I select the images and videos and if my allotted storage is decreasing.

If the fle you are having uploaded is stored in the collection and not removed after being sent to an external service then it will decrease your storage the amount of are allowed. However, if you remove the file after having sent it to the 3rd party hosting service, and you interact with the url of that image only, this will not use your allocated storage space.

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