Record of collection missing

I inserted the new collection.
States and cities.

But one collection of state is missing from my data base.

Is there any issue for missing data.??

How many records do you have in DB? If you’re on free version, there’s a limit of 50 records in DB, that could be one reason.

I have the paid version and more than 100 records I can’t insert … why ??

Hey @jenny

It’s very difficult to comprehend with the information you provided above, can you give little more detail on how you created the collection, are there any actions performed after creating the collections and if possible a screencast/screenshots of your editor to understand the situation better.


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I am on paid version.
Data missing as well as sometimes deleted pages comes again

over 100 records Adalo goes no further. if i go to fetch data via API on my Adalo database, it will only read the first 100 records. I could solve this problem by always updating certain data, and recovering these data with the websoket method to import them on my Server. do you think it is possible to use the Websockets ??

I have my records more than 500.
It’s showing proper.
Total collection got missed.
Work connected to that collection also available. But that collection got missed.
I work after that also available.
Sometimes deleted screens also showing again