'Relative' date format issue still occurring, has it been fixed?

This bug has been around for a little while now, I’d like to know whether its been fixed? Thanks

Hi Ashton!

We understand the need to get this fixed and our team is working on it! We are hoping to have a resolution soon!


Are you able to give some sort of date? Are you not allowed to give any specifics, even if it won’t be for say a month or two until its fixed, it would provide a little more reassurance.

Thank you for your help!

We don’t have an ETA but it has been picked up by a member of our team and they are currently working on a resolution.

I will be sure to update here as soon as I know more!


The team is working on a fix but it is related to language settings in the device. So far we have confirmed in UK English but cannot identify any other languages where this is present. Can you share the languages of phones that you are seeing this on so we can ensure we cover any others that we have missed.

@CH_Team my phones use UK English, so your findings make sense for me at least. How about you @joe @AshtonSims ?

Same, my phones use “UK English” as well. I’m glad the Adalo team was able to pinpoint/reproduce the issue. I hope it will get resolved soon.

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My phone uses UK English too!

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Thank you all! We are working on a fix right now and will update you as soon as you can push new builds.


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Hey @here!

The team has released a fix for the behavior. Can you please push new builds and let me know if the issue persists.


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Hey Jessi,

It’s fixed! Thanks so much!!

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I’m also seeing the issue fixed on iOS and Android. Thank you to the team for getting this resolved! :slight_smile:


I have mine in ESP (Español Latino).
And still having this issue, but JUST in Andoird.

Let me know if I can help you with some more info.

Please push a new build as that should resolve the issue. If not, please feel free to reach out to support and we will be happy to look into this further.

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