Select and highlight text and copy

I have a text component and made it copyable from the Edit Styles. I then make a list out of it.

Is it possible to select a particular length of the text, highlight and copy it?

Also, I tried to copy a text and it showed a copy bubble but when I tried to paste the “copied” text, it does not work.

Isn’t possibly currently with adalo to make some letters in text copyable, and others not or even make that height different in one text box, I may recommend using the Adalo feature request, but we have to do a workaround so do this make one text-box and another one beside it, make one copyable other not! If you want copy paste component you can buy one from No-Cody Monkey! New Copy to Clipboard component from NoCode Monkey - Resources & Tutorials - Adalo


No Code Monkey has recently released a component to copy text, maybe this could help


Thanks! I already saw this, but I don’t think this will work. What I want rather is for the user to have more control on what texts to copy. :grin:

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Thanks @theadaloguy @B0untiful_26,

If you would like to test out the component to see if it will work for your purpose, just let me know.

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