Selling your app Vs. In App Purchase

Does anyone know if “selling your app and IAP” are the same thing?

No, they’re not the same,

One is actually selling your app, not yours anymore and the other is having in app purchases

Okay, so (selling your app) you have to pay before you even let a user download the App, correct? Do you know if you can sell subscriptions as the Sell Your App option or do monthly subscriptions have to be IAP. I have been reading Apple’s docs over and over but there is a lot of details in them and I really didn’t see anything that talked about that or I misses it.
Thanks for the response, Jimmy

Hi @Lynk,

Paid apps mean that user pays once, upon downloading the app.

Subscriptions should be done via IAPs only (unless your app falls into the exemption, like Netflix).


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