Sending an Email from your Users Email address?

Okay, so does anyone know how you set this up: When a member of your app creates a quote it sends out a Price Quote to the person who requested, but I want to set it up to send from my members email address (not my business email) so that the person who receive the email can reply directly to the member and not to me?

When I try to set up a custom action using SendGrid it asks for a reply email but I cannot see how to use MagicText as a Variable for returnTo email address. I have the same problem in Zapier.

Does anyone have any ideas with this?

@Lynk SMTP protocol alone allows that but normal email servers will not pass such email and send it either to junk or bounce it.

What you are asking is that you would like to send an email on behalf of anyone, using any address you want. There is no way for GMail (as an example) to check if the address you’re using is a legitimate address of your client who allowed you to send email on their behalf, or you try to fake an identity of a sender.

As an alternative, you can try using “reply_to” field, SendGrid API allows that: Mail Send | Twilio.

The section in the custom action body will look like

"reply_to": {"email": "", "name": "Example Customer Service Team"}

So you need to replace with the email of a member who created the quote.
This should work, although I’m not 100% sure as I haven’t tested it personally.

Best regards, Victor.

I’ll give that a shot, thank you. I will let you know if it works and maybe it can help others as well.
Thanks again

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This is quiet complicated?!

The thing is that the service provider of your member might be Google, Outlook, or other services.

You need to ask the user for their SMTP connection details such as host, port, username and password.

In addition to that, some service provider such as Google doesn’t allow external connection directly, your users has to disable a 3rd part check in their google account settings.

After doing all of that, you need a server handler of your own to handle that.

yea I gave up with the idea lol. Thanks for your input, Jimmy

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