Hey! Isn’t Adalo awesome?! I ran into an issue and am seeking some advice on how to solve it.
I am working on a an app that lets you “friend” users on their profile and if they accept your request, you can then chat or schedule a meeting with them.
I have been following Patrick Ford’s excellent videos on how to create a friend request system:
Now that it is working, I am trying to create a screen that shows the logged in user all of their “followers” and lets them initiate a meeting or a chat with each:
However, I can’t seem to figure out how to alter this setup so that each follower’s name and profile picture could be displayed in the list of followers.
Hi Spencer, I love the setup you have going on. It looks like you already have that setup in the 3rd screenshot you sent? Can you explain a little bit more about what you want it to do?
Hi @pford! Thanks for the help! Great videos by the way!
I have the friend request working and I am able to show a list of followers and their profile pictures + names. Now I am trying to make it so that I can easily create a chat session with each follower but I am struggling to think through how this could be done. All of the chat tutorials work on the basis of making a chat from a conversation or already existing collection (like a trip) but the way we setup “followers” makes it so that is not a collection.
Basically, how would you go about creating a list that showed each of your followers and then enabled you to tap a button and instantly chat with that person?
I got pretty far by making a chat screen like normal and then creating a message index inside the Message collection that contained all the user’s emails that should be included in the chat. I then filtered that message screen to only show messages that contained the logged in user and the current user. However, once I got this far I could not get read receipts to work because messages did not belong to a conversation. Thus, I could not add a property to track when the conversation was last viewed.
Ideally, the followers screen would allow you to chat with any follower and also show a read receipt of any unread messages.