Friends list after creating friend request function

After setting up the friend request function detailed in the Adalo Forum (link below) I’m having trouble creating a “view my followers” page. When I create a new list and filter by logged in user > Followers the incorrect info pops up. Any help would be appreciated! Thank you.

Hi @Allison :wave:

Welcome to the community :partying_face:

If your filter is correct then correct info should display.
Check your Update actions are correct.

And I created the same app that Patrick teached and I added followers and following list. You can check it here. You can clone it too.

Hope it helps!

Thank you


Hi @dilon_perera
The clone you created was very nice and helped me. thanks so much!!

I have a question :raising_hand_man:

I want to see how many users have accepted friend requests. Like the attached image
I want to make a friend list that accepts friend requests. Think separately from followers and following list.

Please tell me how
Love from Japan

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Hi @kota.takahashi :wave:

Your welcome :+1:

You are saying like this right? So that user receiving requests has to show but it has to accepted from me. Right?

If it is I added that to the app now. You can see when you went to your profile and there’s a icon on the to bar. But I think you need to copy again.

Here it is.

Here’s a example.


I got two requests from these two emails. And I accept it. And they are showing in that list.

Now I not accepted this user request.
And it not showing in the list.

So when the request is accepted by me then that one is showing in that list.

Hope it helps!!

Thank you

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Thank you so much, and it’s very easy to understand.
But that’s a little different from what I want to do.
Separate the follow button and the friend request button.
The users who approve the friend request will be displayed individually.
I’m thinking of another database for that
Need to separate? Or is it the same?

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You mean when my request is accepted by that user has to show him on the list?

1 followers count
2 following count
3 friends count (close friends)
I want to display 3 like 1 and 2.

I put a pink circle
No approval to follow like Instagram
but, I put a blue circle
Mutual permission is required to be friends like Facebook.

I find my English inconvenient and difficult to understand.
I’m really sorry, thank you

@kota.takahashi like this right?

If it is you can check the app. I added.

Hope it helps!

Thank you


Thank you for attaching the video
I was saved by you

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Great and your welcome :+1:

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