If you are using Zapier then I assume you are making use of the Adalo Notifications API.
What response do you get?
New Post in Wordpress, (webhook or time based scan of colleciton)
Get all users from Adalo
Set WPPost as Notifications = ‘Sending’ (so you don’t resend incase of an error)
For each user loop
Adalo notifications API
There are other ways to do this.
I would rather run it from Xano.
You need to make sure you are testing a proper native build.
Can Zapier update direct to Worpress, to set “Notifications = sending”?
Or create a collection in Adalo (internal) call it wp_notificationswp_id (ID of WP post from the external collection, sent= true false, api_response
Zapier now finds the new post in the External WP collection. Creates a new “wp_notifications” record.
That becomes your reference table for sending the notification and updating the status.
1 A DB called Notify and who disputes which fields?
In Zapier:
1 A WordPress Trigger that passes to Adalo the notification that there is a new post.
2 An action in Adalo who write something in the fields previously created.
Then, always in Adalo, enable the “trigger notification” in the Welcome Screen, setting the title and description how? Manually? And do you make it trigger how?
New Post in Wordpress, (webhook or time based scan of colleciton)
Check wp_ID does not exist in wp_notifications
Make a new record in Adalo wp_notifications
Get all users from Adalo
Set wp_notifications status = ‘Sending’ (so you don’t resend incase of an error)
For each user send a notification via Adalo notifications API
If you are willing to drop the automation, you can do it very simply from inside Adalo, as per ADalo help documentation.
Create a button from the detail screen of the post, attach a notification action, send to all users.
In complicated answer, developers can store the device token in their db with no users and then notifications get sent to the device token with no users as middleware.