Solved - [Data won't link between pages correctly] Can't Update Collection from within the UI

I’m creating a shipping solution for myself and when I try to get Adalo to update the shipments to address information it will not allow me to choose to update any of my collections besides users. In the link to the next page, it’s sending the current shipment data.

I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong here. Anyone else having these same issues?


Hi @alexstockman,

As I see you have another link to “SS To Address” screen (the one on the bottom).
Does it provide Current Shipment as well?


Solved - Heres a good resource that outlines what happened.

In a perfect world, adalo would know what page the user came from to link all the correct data, but I know they have a lot on their plate. By combining my pop-ups into the pages, I was able to make it work.

TLDR - You need a linear page flow for data to connect correctly.

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Works! (Data links correctly)

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Doesn’t Work (Data does not link)

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[ _ ]<—>[ _ ]
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Doesn’t Work (Data does not link)

Hope this helps,

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