Stripe Payment Failure

Yesterday one of our clients had the official launch of Shrewsbury Social Scene. The app had been tested rigorously prior to the launch. However, to my absolute dismay and embarrassment the stripe payment module failed to process any payments, and there were a lot! This made us as the developers, look like complete amateurs. Consequently, any confidence in the app and its ability to do the job I had developed it to do disappeared instantly. Understandably the client is absolutely furious, not only about the failure but the way it ruined the launch. Taking payments in cash was not in the plan! This will also have ramifications on their business going forward, not to mention the damage it has done to our reputation.

I have since removed the stripe module, but the damage has been done. However, my client and I would like to know why it failed.

Hi Roger,

Without seeing your app or your use case I wouldn’t be able to tell what was going wrong but it might’ve been because of network issues, stripe being down, etc.

I would contact Adalo support to answer more of your questions:

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