Sunday Teaser.. "Is this Possible"

Hello Everyone…

Here we have a couple of items that someone might help with…

1)… Is there a way to show or view the existing “relationships” in an app … (not go to make new ones)


2). Is there a way to “Auto Delete” a user in the users database list after a period of days… (10 days)


Anyone have any ideas if possible…


With regard to users, you can’t autodelete within the app as far as I know, but you could do a couple of things:

  1. Only display or have functionality for users created less than 10 days ago.
  2. Have an admin page that shows a list of users over 10 days old with a delete button, to quickly delete users.
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Hi @LynPod,

  1. existing “relationships”
    Not sure, if I understand the requirement:
    What are you looking for? Do you want to show something like: A user already bought a product, is connected with another user for chats? …
    Basically you need to count how many records are connected. If you select on current user with product X and the record count is zero, there is not connection.
    To avoid duplicate entries, you can check the record count and make the screen component invisible or use a model to inform the user that this “relation” already exists.

You can add the data/time expiry information to the user record.
You need to calculate the Expiry Date like:
Current Time + 10 days.
Adding days to a date/time field is a little tricky:
Adding 10 days looks like:
Current Time + 10/1440
See: Help : StarTIME +60 = funny Endtime 🤔 - #3 by karimoo

You can use the Expiry Date of the user record link to a “Sorry your user expired”-screen or link back to the Login Screen.
So you have to actions on the Login button with a condition on it.

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I was hoping for a delete the user auto after 10 days… but not so… I will just do it manually for now…



Hello Karimoo…

You can see the links between pages/scenes clear… so why can’t you just click on one single line and it will show you the relationship or to view the relationship that goes with it from the database when you did enter which one you wanted… either 1…2… or 3…

Doing another relationship from the database only shows all 3 choices and not the first one you chose… so not able to check what could be wrong…

As for No2… I’ve give up on that one…


For the second point you can do that using Adalo API and Zapier.

You could configure a Zap with the following steps:

  • Trigger By Zapier (triggered every day)
  • WebHooks by Zapier, where you fetch your entire users collection
  • Code by Zapier, to filter users that are out of the 10 days ranges
  • A second WebHook to delete each user corresponding to the criteria.
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Hello frank…

I have digested your advise and decided It’s another add-on I don’t want… Your advise is very good along with the other “Forum’s” boffins…

The whole idea of all this is to make a timed trial so customers can try it out…

I have realised that idea is “Laughable” they will simply sign up again…
My normal way of doing this with the apps I make is …

When the customer buys the app…

A one time “Password” is sent at the point of purchase through a downloading service automatically… and there is None of this “Sign up system” to mess with. (not interested in other peoples emails) And to me it can be overridden at any time… only useful for counting how many use app…

Just 2 fields… “User”… where they can enter anything… and “Password”… which is sent to them after “PayPal” payment… They can change password to whatever inside app…

Do I have to use the default signup system that comes with Adalo…


You can create a user after a successful stripe payment and send a temporary password with the default signup system. All you need to do is to configure custom actions for password creation and then an other for email sending (you can use Zapier for theses two tasks).

But in fact the trial mode is risky because you cannot check if a user has already registered.

Hmm… one of the reasons I usually make my Delphi apps database that I use to “Pack-in” after 10 records… which is more than long enough to try the demo version… so no good to persist… unless buy one…

And something else… I cancelled my newspapers 2 weeks ago… because I find the 50 - 100 a day gripes and problems on this Forum that anyone using Adalo has to face… Tons more interesting than yesterdays news… and Stripe and Zapier are always top headlines.

Thanks’ for your input and advise … But!.. it’s now time I think after nearly 3 weeks to get something workable… that I can normally do in an hour …

To call it a day … Cancel my Subscription and go back to my Delphi/Rad Scripting…

This will be my last posting on here… Thanks’ to everyone for helping me…


You can build up a screen with custom list to show over 10 days users, call this screen from admin panel or show the button only for admin user in your app’s home screen, insert countdown timer, set time to 1 or 2 secs. and add delete action. thats it… I’ve used this component many places in my app to sort out automations.

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Reyaas… Thanks… I will have a Bash at it…


There is a way to do this using zapier.

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Hello RJ…

Thank’s for your input… But I have given up on the idea… unless someone comes up with a “Blow by Blow” demo of how… and welcome to the forum… you will certainly have your work cut out on here…


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