Breakdown of Motivate Coach Template?

Hiya guys, I’m not sure how to start the feature of assigning assignments to users. Is there a breakdown tutorials or overview somewhere I can look over?

Thx much

Hi @tbel ,

Which part exactly that you want to know more, you can try to describe as much as you can and take screenshots here and there to support your description.

Actually, while doing that, you can have aha moments to realize what is you are looking for.

Let all the stones uncovered. :grinning:

You’re right, got some “aha” moments, took me a bit of back and forth but finally got it integrated.

It was finally figuring out how relationships and list work to connect information. I have one more piece to connect.

Still wish there was a breakdown video of sorts, maybe that’s an idea for a YT video once I get more comfortable :slight_smile:

Thx for replying.

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