Hi @LynPod,
- existing “relationships”
Not sure, if I understand the requirement:
What are you looking for? Do you want to show something like: A user already bought a product, is connected with another user for chats? …
Basically you need to count how many records are connected. If you select on current user with product X and the record count is zero, there is not connection.
To avoid duplicate entries, you can check the record count and make the screen component invisible or use a model to inform the user that this “relation” already exists.
You can add the data/time expiry information to the user record.
You need to calculate the Expiry Date like:
Current Time + 10 days.
Adding days to a date/time field is a little tricky:
Adding 10 days looks like:
Current Time + 10/1440
See: Help : StarTIME +60 = funny Endtime 🤔 - #3 by karimoo
You can use the Expiry Date of the user record link to a “Sorry your user expired”-screen or link back to the Login Screen.
So you have to actions on the Login button with a condition on it.