The group is cut off on the preview

Hi there!

I would like to ask you to help me and explain what the problem may be in the following situation.

I created a screen and placed several groups. Each group contains a list.
The displaying of information from the database works correctly.
But when I are viewing a preview the last group is clipped (never mind which device I use: mobile or laptop).
I attached screens of my app.

Please could you specify what the problem may be and how to solve it?


Thanks for help!

Hi @AnastasiiaPupkova .

Did you set the maximum number items to 1 or did you add any filter?

Thank you

Hi Dilon,

Yes, you are right.
I configured the maximum number items to 2, but nevertheless if I delete it, the problem will not be solved.

@AnastasiiaPupkova you want to add 2 items when the list is appearing and when someone click that arrow it will move horizontally

@AnastasiiaPupkova you can use Horizontal Card list for this

Hi @AnastasiiaPupkova,

Welcome to the forum!

Most probably the list isn’t being β€œcut”, but rather is being covered by the tab bar. To check whether it’s true or not, you can temporarily hide it and see if cards are displayed correctly.

To solve this, you need to experiment a bit with the screen height and list layout. Try to increase the height, move the tab bar to the β€œnew” bottom, and make sure that list’s bottom line is above (higher) than the tab bar’s top.

Best regards, Victor.

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