Hi everyone, I’ve been using Push Notifications via the API for a while now, but have been working on developing in app Trigger Notifcations.
I’m trying to setup a simple test, where I’ve put form inputs for the title of the notification, the body of the notification and a dropdown menu to select from a group of admin users (dropdown filters that contain our company email domain). I select the a user who has the app installed on their device, and when I click the button nothing happens.
I’ve read a bunch of other support threads, watched videos and can’t seem to figure out what I am doing wrong here. I have seen some mention of notifications having some kind of bug from a few weeks ago. Is that still ongoing? There is nothing about it on the Adalo Status page or in the Bug section of the forums.
No it is a native app. I have tried sending to both iOS and Android users.
I have seen tutorials online where when the button is clicked to trigger an action the “working” circle animation starts up, but I am not seeing that happen with my trigger notification action.
It’s really frustrating that they’ve made a big show about trying to improve their support, transparency and status processes but things like a common bug to core features you have to parse through dozens of support topics to find out that there is an actual issue and its not just something you are doing wrong…