Trigger Push Notifications -> Error 500


Anyone else experiencing issues on push notifications on android? Worked previously, but suddenly few days ago stopped working.

I tried manually trigger notifications API and I got internal 500 error.

Just want to know if someone else is having issues? If not, I will continue finding the cause from my side.

“statusCode”: 500,
“headers”: [
“name”: “server”,
“value”: “Cowboy”
“name”: “connection”,
“value”: “close”
“name”: “x-powered-by”,
“value”: “Express”
“name”: “access-control-allow-origin”,
“value”: “*”
“name”: “content-security-policy”,
“value”: “default-src ‘none’”
“name”: “x-content-type-options”,
“value”: “nosniff”
“name”: “content-type”,
“value”: “text/html; charset=utf-8”
“name”: “content-length”,
“value”: “148”
“name”: “date”,
“value”: “Mon, 21 Dec 2020 11:49:10 GMT”
“name”: “via”,
“value”: “1.1 vegur”
“cookieHeaders”: [],
“data”: “\n<html lang=“en”>\n\n<meta charset=“utf-8”>\nError\n\n\n

Internal Server Error
“fileSize”: 148

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Just confirmed this is still an issue when trying to send notifications via the API.

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When can we expect this to work again?

same issue with me as well :frowning:

@Victor Do you have any idea about this issue? Still not working

Hi @Vuotian,

In my test app everything worked:

And of course the general issue mentioned in this thread was fixed long time ago :slight_smile:

Unfortunately, it is a bit difficult to identify the problem with the information you’ve provided :slight_smile:
In order to diagnose what went wrong in your case, it would be useful to have more data: what are you trying to achieve, how do you send notifications, what is the error you get.



Thanks for your answer @Victor. Only 29 days ago this issue was still around also with last person who replied.

Maybe we are doing something wrong… @pford, you had same issue?

Hi @Vuotian,

My pleasure.
Would you prefer, do not hesitate send some more details so that fellow forum members have an opportunity to diagnose what’s happening. Using Postman ( for API testing also helps greatly in identifying the problem.
Or you can submit a support ticket for your problem here: Submit a Support Ticket


I know this is old, but I just tested Notifications API and got same 500 Internal Server Error. I was using Integromat, but also tested with Postman.

I know that the app needs to be published in order to see notifications, but does it also create an error response to the API call, if not published?

Also is it possible to use the User’s ID rather than email for Audience?

Hi @paulh,

In my experience I received 500 when app wasn’t published (I mean no any native build).

As for User ID instead of email - unfortunately that’s not possible at the moment (this is an additional “pain” for my Integromat scenarios - I have to make an extra call to get user email by ID before sending… ).

Best regards, Victor.

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Thanks @Victor

I just keep running into all these little issues with Adalo (like the id thing not the publishing)…

@paulh you can’t even imagine how I understand you :slight_smile:

I’ve created the request on Canny Make unique record IDs publicly available | Voters | Adalo, with the example. Feel free to upvote :slight_smile:

Best regards, Victor.