User email already exists help

hello upon signing up a new email, it throws an error that the email already exist even if it doesn’t

Hi Soufiana,

This issue is resolved.

Please see the status page for more info.

hello james nothing has resolved the problem is still exists

Same problem with me at this moment. I have removed all test projects and created a new one. the first user ok, but now I can not enter a new user anymore even if I delete the unique user. same error. Please help us. I already have change browser, cleaner the cookies, etc etc etc

Just open a bug ticket so they can inform developers to fix your issue!

Hi Camilo,

Please submit a support ticket as this is probably unrelated to what happened yesterday.

:roll_eyes: mhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm jk just having fun

@charidsoufiane Can you DM me you app editor link?

fixed. it was a bug on adalo

@camilo.martins @ben1 Do you know if it was fixed across the network, or do they have to fix each account? I’m still having the issue, and we just went live in the app store an hour ago!?! :scream: I submitted a ticket, but wanted to see if anyone knows if there’s something I can do on my end…

I have created other account, and start a new project because I was only testing

But now I have created other account and works fine.
But in the process that I was creating other account the support fix it in my old account

Open a ticket

I am running into the same issue now. Is this a new bug?

Happening with me as well right now on one of my platforms, very weird

My app stopped growing about 2 months ago and I had no idea why. I’m currently spending advertising money and now I’m seeing NO ONE can create an account. Can you please help me out?

Hi @DavidGrooomes ,

Please submit support ticket,

I solved this problem. Evetime your account expire due to unpapayment It happen. when you pay for subscciption, you accountis activated again but your apps are unpublish on the play store…

You must log into your account, go to menu Publish, an publish you app on playstore.