User to Trigger Notification to the Current user

Hi all,

I have a use case where I want to send the notification to the user once the timer countdown is complete. The current user is the one who triggers the timer. So its the current user who will trigger a notification to themselves.

Up on testing, it doesn’t seem to be working, after checking the guide I’ve found this:

Notifications will only be sent if;

  1. The user has the app installed on their device.

  2. The user is logged in.

  3. The user has had activity in the app in the last 2 weeks to be considered active.

  4. The user has permissions allowed.

  5. The user is not the user triggering the notification.

Is there a way around this?

Send notification via Custom notification and the Adalo API.

Hey Rozza,
In the Countdown component, under Actions I’ve added ‘Trigger Notification’ for Countdown Finished.

Hi @Vladyslav,

You are targeting the logged in user. Which is contrary to 5.

You can setup a custom action as a work around.

Thanks @Rozza, I took a look at the guide. I’ll need to upgrade to get the API key to make it work.
Thanks for help!

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