I have two pages:
1- the signup
2- details user
after signup, the form linked to the user details screen and I add in the title a welcome text includes the user full name but is shown empty!!
In the details page I add action to update the login user details like attached.
do I miss something?
What is the update user action for? What does it do?
at the top a say Hello + username
but the problem user name not shown … just hello word only… therefore I add this to update the variable of the screen based on the data of the signup user
That isn’t needed. If the user filled in username and it saved correctly, you don’t need another action here for anything.
Just just need to use magic text up there “logged in user > username”
If it isn’t displaying anything, maybe there is a problem where users are inputting their details (maybe not saving correctly)
Done, it’s working … without update … I did a mistake.
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December 21, 2020, 9:37am
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