What is going on with Support?

I have submitted a ticket probably over a week ago and still nothing. I have noticed that when submitting my issue on the support ticket page that the logo on the top left was not loading and the entire support form has changed. Did I happen to submit a ticket when adalo was updating the page and somehow my request did not go through? Just curious if other people are having the same issue. I am on a paid plan and the SLA is like 3 days max so I am confused why my ticket has went past the SLA. @james.crennan

Can you email me at james.crennan@adalo.com to confirm your email address? We switched over support tools, but I’m confident we’ve replied to all tickets. We did have a DNS issue when we first switched over, so our responses may be in your spam folder.

Either way–email me and we’ll get onto it!


Hey @kdy294,

Sorry you haven’t received a response! I checked and we sent a response shortly after you submitted your ticket. Can you please ensure it didn’t get sent to spam during the transition to our new support tool.


I just checked my spam and nothing. Last response In my inbox was September 30th. It should be related to the video component.

I just sent you another reply. Can you let me know if that one was received.


Hi there. I just checked again and still nothing in my inbox or spam box. What is the email address it should be coming from?

I’ll send you a DM.

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