Why won’t Magic Text show all fields?

Hi, it would be very helpful if someone could explain to me why when I try to use the magic text to select an element within my external collection I am given the possibility to select only the numbers and some functions such as count or sum, in the attachment I’ll leave a screenshot, thank you very much.

Hi @filippo.luigi.mazzes

If you have created a property as a number, then it will only accept numerical values. Similarly, if you have created a property as text, then it will only accept alphabetic characters. In order to display external data on the screen, you need to send the data from the screen that contains a list (connected to an external or internal database) to the detail screen.

Hi, thanks for the reply but I still don’t understand the problem, I created the collection by importing the data via API, did I make a mistake in the way I imported it?
Or do I have to do some other additional steps, and if so could you tell me what the steps are to be able to also select the text. Thanks so much in advance(it’s my first app).


→ I still don’t understand the problem, I created the collection by importing the data via API, did I make a mistake in the way I imported it?


→ In order to show API data make sure you have connected the list with external collection, when users click on any record it should redirect to next screen where you can show more data.

For Example →

Screen 1 → List which is connected to external collection, here you can show properties like name, description, etc.

User Clicks on any record, app will redirect to next screen.

Screen 2 → Now here you can show more data name, description & players name, etc.

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