Worry about 200 screens?

Hi I have about 100 screens right now (yeah it’s a big app with a lot of functionality)
Question is, do I have to worry?
Thanks in advance!

I decided to split it up in multiple apps for different user groups and use the same database, the editor is just getting to slow and I don’t want the app to be to big.
Good idea or nah? I of course save the app!

It would be slow for some users, like what you said, that’s correct way!

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I have around 50, at least in Editor mode is slow, didn’t test in production. Also considering splitting.

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That’s wise choice! Just make sure to share same database!

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If you finish app soon, curious to know the size of the app :slight_smile: . I will share my app size as soon as I finish (ETA 1/2 Weeks).

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I decided to split it up into 3 apps (best move ever!) since those apps will grow to 200 pages really quick haha. I clearly underestimated serving 3 different groups of clients in just 1 app. I will share when it’s done, first all is hopefully done in 2 weeks too, max 1 month

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