Hi I have about 100 screens right now (yeah it’s a big app with a lot of functionality)
Question is, do I have to worry?
Thanks in advance!
I decided to split it up in multiple apps for different user groups and use the same database, the editor is just getting to slow and I don’t want the app to be to big.
Good idea or nah? I of course save the app!
It would be slow for some users, like what you said, that’s correct way!
I have around 50, at least in Editor mode is slow, didn’t test in production. Also considering splitting.
That’s wise choice! Just make sure to share same database!
If you finish app soon, curious to know the size of the app . I will share my app size as soon as I finish (ETA 1/2 Weeks).
I decided to split it up into 3 apps (best move ever!) since those apps will grow to 200 pages really quick haha. I clearly underestimated serving 3 different groups of clients in just 1 app. I will share when it’s done, first all is hopefully done in 2 weeks too, max 1 month
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