Assign/uers assignment

Ok, let’s say I’m a teacher and I want to assign something to multiple students within my website/app.

I’ve tried multiple ways and can’t figure it out. I want to be able to create like a class and assign it to multiple users within my app, without creating is over and over and assinging it one by one. I’d rather select multiple users and assign it that way. But I can’t figure out how, if anyone is able to help with this please help.

Thank you!

Hi @cwilliams2500 :wave:

I created a app. Do you want like this?

Thank you

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@cwilliams2500 ,

You may take a look at this post,

Ok, I like your idea. It gives me some ideas.

I kind of want it like that, but where it’s a drop down where you can select multiple students/users. Not like how you have it but instead a drop down. The idea you have may work, I’ll test it out and see if I can use it.

Thank you!

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Ok, I looked at the post. It’s not what I’m looking for but thank you!

Ok I will add the dropdown

Yes, correct. I’m looking for something like that, I have it installed on my thing, I just can’t seem to make it work when I got to create a “class”

Ok, see. Like let’s say I select 2 student/users. I want it just assigned to them, but I can’t seem to figure out how to do that. Like I want where just the students I select see the stuff I submit/assign.

If you figure it out please tell me, I just can’t figure it out on my website/app.

check now

That’s exactly what I need. Can you explain or tell me how you did that?

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Yeah sure. I will send a video

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Ok, awesome! Thank you!

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Your welcome :+1: :+1:

Ok, I figured it out! If you want you can still send me the video so I don’t forget.

But thank you very much! It’s been very stressful trying to figure it out, it means a lot thank you!

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Here’s the video.

Thank you

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Great ! And your welcome :+1: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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