Current User data missing from every screen


It’s a problem I have since a few days, I don’t know what I did to make it happen, but every time I want to put, for example, a list based on what user selected, I can’t chose “Logged In > …” just All. And I can’t find any screen with the Current User data, so it’s not linked. It’s like it disappeared. Does someone know how to solve this problem ? Thanks.

Strange. Do you have a log-in screen in your app?

Yes I have, current user data is available on that screen but it’s not transfering to Main screen

I just added a new test screen, linked the log-in screen to it and it’s transfering, but not to main screen, really strange

I tried many things, like switching from “Home Screen” to 'Normal Screen", when in normal screen, the data appears, once I select home screen it disappears. And this must be the home screen

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