Details on the New Pricing Plans

Adalo is reading and listening to these comments - but they are not responding to anything.

That’s shocking to hear, actually.

Adalo pricing is not in flux - the beginning of this post is saying it’s not in place yet, that we have a 12 month lead time before changes go into effect.

But the official word is that this is the upcoming changes to the pricing.

I find it interesting that the Adalo team is ‘hurt’ by the customer reaction.
But you may well put people in your ecosystem out of business and didn’t bother to stick around to face those criticisms, questions, or explain the drastic price changes.

This has been extremely unprofessional - posting and running away, leaving their poorly supported community leaders to handle the fall out.

Adalo is aware. I don’t see or hear anything changing. Anything else is denial.

I deleted my previous comments and will pull back from forum activity.
While I like Adalo, no way am I going from a $200 a month plan to a potential for exponential overage that already has me at $4,500 in overage - and I can’t even get the common courtesy of support to fix database connection issues OR support responses on the weekend when I guess support is actually here reading comments.

I stand by everything I said. If you want to talk about hurt feelings, perhaps someone needs to hold your hand and tell you we’re not friends and it’s business.

like Adalo is going to tell me when a price goes from $200 up to $4,600 - it’s just business.

I don’t think this forum is worth investing time in as long as this pricing plan is the future of adalo.

I’ll do my best to get my current app in a published and working state.

I’ve already signed up for several competitors to test out the build in the coming weeks and find which one will suit me best.
While I would had thought I could grow with Adalo and might pay a small increase, this entire thing has been a complete mess. I thought Adalo was a more established company than this.
I won’t be locked into anything like this. It’s clear I need to have a backup ready to roll out.
If Adalo moves forward with this pricing, I’ll leave.


I won’t take offence to anything you have said and I’m not going to argue over your views on something. I have read all your posts and if that’s your way of being professional it differs from my own.

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Thank you for sharing your experience.
The Adalo team certainly has a lot of moving parts. It’s difficult.

I’ve already shared what I want out of Adalo. Not going to beat a dead horse.

My suggestion for team Adalo:

  1. Simplify
  2. Focus
  3. Work like hell
  4. Don’t quit

“Our philosophy is: our money doesn’t break after we give it to them, so their parts shouldn’t break after they give them to us” - S.P. Jobs

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Customers that don’t get what they pay for get angry.
I have an app with a user database that doesn’t connect - which failed at launch week when I uploaded my users. And Support passed the buck and claimed it wasn’t them - then said they would talk to ‘the team’ on monday.

Then this pricing comes out - and adalo doesn’t stick around.

Customers that have their price go from $200 to upwards of $5k get angry.

There is only one party here being unreasonable.

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I don’t believe anyones pricing will get anywhere near 5k. I feel it will mostly be around the business plan price for the majority (if your app becomes successful) I also don’t believe it’s Adalos plan to disable or inhibit our growth as makers.

I can’t comment on a specific issue you may have came up against … and I don’t work for Adalo or their support team. All I can say is that I do have apps with 20k users and had very few issues and any issues that I have had Adalo sorted with 24/48 hours.

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I guess if you were in my shoes, then, you would have a different opinion of the service.

Like I said, I hope Adalo figures it out.

But this looks pretty official. And until I hear something besides ‘I had a personal heartfelt conversation and guys maybe they wont really do it’ - this will retain the lower usage apps and lose the higher usage apps.

Which will create a vicious cycle where you lose the successful apps that could support the ecosystem.

Dear @endieumunna your message is extremely condescending, and doesn’t really deserve a reply. I’ll leave you all in peace, as I said I don’t work for Adalo.

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It felt pretty reasonable, perhaps emotional, and honest but not at all condescending.

I agree.

I wish you well. Probably don’t waste the energy on this. Focus on your business and doing what is right for your business.

I have 14,800 users.

They are active. If I estimate 20 actions per day on the low end…

Can someone give me some basic math? Yeah.

And I add an average of 40 users per day.
Which has onboarding tasks which are far greater than 20 actions.

I’m not under any illusions about what the official price projections are.
And I didnt get my business to where it is by crossing my fingers and going off emotions.

It’s not good business.

You don’t know what extremely condescending means and I’ll tell you. Extremely condescending is charging per Action on an App. Sounds like I am paying someone to be a direct enemy of progress to me. How does that sound to you?

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8,880,000 tasks per month.

That’s how much I’m looking at on the low end.

Every suggestion counts and I want to see Adalo Succeed, I started using Aalo this year and I love their platform and how it works

If you expect to have as much this number, please contact directly to @David or @Adalo_CXTeam or @barrettnash .

I am sure they will provide you with custom pricing.

Please explain your business as a friend, you need help from them and they need help from you, that can open to more solutions.

Actually app actions counting is a better option than records counting (my personal opinion).

We are just negotiating about the cap.

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Please read Bubble forum about their proposed pricing early this year, it is a lot, but it could be the reference.

This is the best explanation that I can give.

(non-techie here)

I’ve seen competitors charge by ‘Monthly number of visits’ - Is this as simple as it sounds? What do you think their definition of a visit is? Are multiple actions included in 1 visit? (if you had to guess)
I’m just curious & wonder if it could be applied / copied by Adalo.