Divide posts into three types (c2c platform)

How do I separate posts on the c2c platform?

My Profile page

Profile view


  1. Goods posting :blush:
    Buyers can buy a product immediately by posting a post that includes all the information such as product name, image, description, price, and category.

  2. Goods posting :shushing_face:
    This is a complete archive and can only be seen by the poster.

2.GoodsPost :thinking:
This is an incomplete post with only the product name and image. However, if the buyer likes it, they can provide it to get the missing information and make a purchase.

As a condition, one post should only appear in one place.
For example, “Post A” only appears on GoodsPost :blush:, not on other pages.
However, the contributor wants to be able to easily move “Post A” from Product Post :blush: to Product Post :thinking:.

But I can only do this

App DB

With this alone, you can only post one type.
I don’t speak English completely, so I use Google Translate. But please give me some advice.