I’m using a Dropdown field to allow users to select a time in a countdown timer. The problem is, the timer reads the default placeholder text “Select Countdown” as zero seconds and immediately blows the action. Once it is set by the user through the dropdown it works fine. I’ve tried moving the dropdown to a modal but still it starts out at zero seconds [rather than unset] and so fires the intended action.
The only workaround I can think of is have the dropdown list open one of half a dozen dedicated modals, each identical except for the time allotted to the timer. That is, one for 30 seconds; one for a minute; one for 5 minutes and so on. That just strikes me as inefficient, ludicrous and fugly in the extreme.
Thanx @charleshope: I’ll take a look at that approach though I kind of don’t know where to start. Maybe, if I hide the timer until some one sets the dropdown [not sure if that’s possible] or sets the dropdown then pushes a button. It’s kind of clunky but I’ll let you know.
@DaBoo you can hide the countdown with a condition like only visible if Other Components > Second ( drop down name ) > How Many Seconds ( in my case I have a Seconds collection and have a number property called How Many Seconds to store the seconds and in the countdown I have added the drop down value. ) > is not equal to > empty