Entire database wiped

I refreshed my app, literally just refreshed the screen and every database record is gone. Any idea wth happened?

The Database not working! Someone can help us?!!!

Yep here too! Letā€™s hope they have up-to-the minute back ups. And of course the Status Page reports ā€œAll Systems Operationalā€

lists not loading but data is still there. I need to demo this to people at Square in 30 mins :frowning:

OMGā€¦This is the worst-case scenario for meā€¦
My appā€™s whole database is wiped and my client is flying me out to present this app to their team of 100 people in 4 days.

Iā€™ve convinced them to go this routeā€¦I think I might have made a mistake and my reputation and business will suffer from this.

itā€™s happening again.


Reliability for Adalo is getting low

It will be fixed in a few hours, this happened a year ago and they fixed it quick

A ā€œfew hoursā€ is not ā€œquickā€


We Donā€™t have a few hours!

This is very bad, but I can handle it if they can reverse it. BUT If my data is gone foreverā€¦then Iā€™m pretty much screwed.

If ā€˜data is gone foreverā€™ thereā€™s a lawsuit in the making.

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Same thing here, the app is completely useless without the database,
I checked adalo status and it was reported today that there was an issue accessing collections, however, the last update on this is ā€œresolvedā€ !

Same here!!! SOLVE IT PLEASE!!!

Guys :


It is BacK!


That happened like 4 days ago, and its the same issue again

Yes, mine is back too.

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Thank you Adalo team! thank you for that quick fix, saved my meeting!!!

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This should be solved! :partying_face:

Phewā€¦ 'til the next timeā€¦