Event App: Invite Attendees (users) to app

Thought I would share Mitchell’s suggestion here:

I accomplished something similar via an invite system.

  • Create a new collection called UserInvites
  • Mirror the fields available in the Users collection as close as possible
  • Create an invite form linked to userinvites for inviting new users
  • Form action creates a new record
  • Zapier → When new record is created in UserInvites collection → then → Create new record in the User collection using the data carried from the new UserInvite .
  • Zapier - > in the same zap, trigger an email to send to the new user containing link to the password reset page

A bit of a hack but it works. Also added an Invitor field to the UserInvites collection so I can track who sent the invite and added a separate UserInviteRemind collection linked to UserInvites which allows me to dynamically extrapolate a count of how many times an invitation has been sent as well. This last part isn’t really necessary