Dear Adalo Support/Community, please assist, I’ve been stuck for over week now…
I have duplicated what I’m trying to achieve in my own App into a smaller simple app to seek assistance from the experts:
In my use case, I have two simple collections:
“Ever Changing” Collection (Products) that contains basic information about a product (Product Code, Product Name, Product Price, Product Quantity on Hand and Product Description). This info comes into the Product Collection on a daily basis via a .csv File upload and doesn’t contain the same Products every day, although some of the same Products might still be on the import the next day depending on Sales of the previous day. Good sellers will be removed, and slow movers will stay on the list for the next day. NO Product Image Files comes in with the .csv File.
“Constant” Collection (Product Images) that holds the Product Images, loaded and saved into this collection via a Modal with the same Product Code retrieved from the Product details screen.
Users builds this collection based on what Products are on the list for that day.
The idea behind this App is that the customer opens my App every morning and finds a fresh list of available Products on the Home screen. Some Products might contain an Image as previously loaded and saved by the users (Referenced to the Constant Collection)… others will only have a place holder “No Image Available” as the Image, and the User will have the opportunity to load an Image for this Product accordingly.
I have to use two collections because the Products Collections gets deleted every morning and a fresh .csv File gets Imported without Product Image Files.
The Product Images Collections stays untouched with all the Product Images indexed with the corresponding Product Code. Theoretically speaking, the Product Images Collection could consist of Thousands of records while the Imported Products records for the day might only be 5… it is at this point where I want to Marry the Product Code from the Product Images Collection with that of the Imported Products Collection and display only those 5 Images in the Product List (Home Screen) and Product Image (Product Details Screen) together with the other Data. If none of the newly Imported Products “Codes” relates to any of the available Product Codes in the Product Images Collection, It simply means that such a Record doesn’t exist and the Users needs to individually Upload the 5 Product Images into the Product Images Collection accordingly… resulting that should any of the 5 Products make their way into future Imports, the Record already exists and an Image will already be waiting to be Rendered based on the already available Product Code in the Product Image Collection!
Everything works perfectly(Except the Images), I can see the Products on the Home Screen, my Product List renders without any issues (Except the Images), if I click on any of the Products in the List it takes me to the Product Details Screen (Except the Images), passing the “Current Product Data” onto the next screen, if I click the Camera Icon I’m able to Add an Image for the current Product via Modal into the Product Images Collection with the corresponding Product Code…
I’ve tried many to one, one to may, many to many relationships between the Collections…
I’ve tried custom Lists…
I’ve tried List within a List…
I’ve tried Filters where the one List is only visible if the “Product Codes” match (My closest attempt by the way…)
I’ve watched Youtube video after Youtube video…
It has to be something with the Collections and the “Available Data” that gets passed from one screen to the next… that’s where my heads at!
I am really mind boggled at this point in time and would like for someone to just nudge me in the right direction as this really hinders me from moving forward in my App building process…
I just want the Product Image to be available/visible anywhere in the App where a Product is selected, that’s it…
Can someone please clone the below App, fix it and send it back to me so that I too can learn the error of my ways:
Regards, Hennie Smith.