I am unable to connect a card list one one screen to an image list on another screen

Hey EveryOne Newbie Here,
Learning to make apps on adalo,
I am trying to make a wallpapers app ,
I am trying to connect the a card list on one screen and an image list on another screen , but doesn’t bring in the data from the card list screen just gets the name . can any one please guide, screen shots are attached. DataBase and preview. Thanks .

Hi @ManiKhan :wave:

Welcome to the community :partying_face:

You don’t need three collections. Because then you need three Lists and connect them to that collections and set the filter. You can create a one collection ( Images) and create a relationship ( One to Many) with Featured collection. And then you can set the Images List to the Images collection and then you can add the filter as Current Featured>Images.

Here’s a cloneable app that you can look.

Thank you

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Thank You, Dilon_perera ,
I was stuck with this for the last two days.
Thank you for your guidance.

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Great and Your Welcome!

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