How to sync Airtable users with Adalo users?

Hello, I understand that Adalo currently does not support external user collections. I am wondering however if there are any workarounds. I was able to accomplish signup synchronization between Adalo and Airtable just by creating a new internal and external record with the same data. But thereafter there seems to be no easy way to update the external record. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Hello I am looking for the same ! It would be great to get an answer. :slight_smile:

Can you sync at login ? Update Airtable at that time?

Hi! I found a way that works for syncing the data between Adalo and Airtable.

Step 1: Create User
When a user signs ups, you need to create a custom action that sends the user’s data to a Zapier webhook. When the Catch Hook is triggered in Zapier, you can create an Airtable record with the webhook data. Alternatively, you can use Adalo as a trigger when a new user record is created but the polling time for this isn’t that fast.

Step 2: Update User
When updating an Airtable user in Adalo, create a similar custom action with the same data. In Zapier when the Catch Hook is triggered, use Airtable’s Find Record action to locate the specific user’s email address for their record ID. Then just update that Airtable record with the webhook data as you did in step 1.

Hope this helps, took me some time to figure out. Also the JSON in both of the custom actions should replicate your user’s JSON body in the Adalo API.


Many thanks for your answer !

Hi, can you upload some screens with the setup! pleaaseeee! this is greast!!!
When yo do this, what fields of the sing up form do you send to AirTable? all? or email & password?
in adalo the registration is made the same and aritable is left as a backup or in adalo the user info would no longer be available and is only available in airtable?
I need to understand a little this can you help me.
I have all our product base working perfectly synchronized with Airtable and Adalo, I would like to know if I could do the same with the users.

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