Integrating Tidio Chat Widget on PWA

Has anyone attempted adding on a third party chat widget to their app? I know some users have built out their own 1 to 1 chat systems but I am looking to use Tidio as an automated chatbot for customer support. Any feedback on this is appreciated. Thanks

Hi @ryanb ,

Most likely using webview component, and there is another version from Pragmaflow too.

@theadaloguy has done a video for another chat provider.

@Yongki Thanks for the feedback man, Ill have to look into Pragmaflow. I found this link on Tidio and it looks like I could add javascript code so wonder if that would work right inside the app so I dont have to link to another external site.

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Yeah Pragmaflow also have a Javascript component that lets you insert code into the app. Worth a shot, please let us know how it goes!

Thanks @Archer Ill keep you guys updated if this works

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Hi @ryanb,

Check this out! : Tidio On Adalo.mp4 - Google Drive

Instructions to download Pragmaflow Components! : PragmaFlow's Adalo Marketplace Reopened - YouTube

Pragmaflow Website :

The component you need :


Thank you

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Awesome, Ill check this out. Thanks

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How come they dont charge for any of the components? They are just giving access for free?

I too am in need of an automated chat bot assistant! Not ready to get one implemented yet but will soon. However can one be made in Adalo alone without the need of 3rd parties?

Yep! They are super cool! :muscle:

Wow, shoutout to the guys/girls over there. Thats awesome! Ill test out the components and see how it works!

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