Recording Data and selecting a relationship item from drop down

As you can see here I have an app that has multiple users, a user can have multiple motorcycles. I want to record expenses against a motorcycle.

I need the user to select one of their motorcycles from the drop-down, and add then be able to record an expense to linked to said motorcycle. I cant seem to figure out the filtering for this, it either shows up all motorcycles (from ALL users) or none at all… Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Screenshot 2021-12-02 at 12.23.34

Hi @Jarrydoyle :wave:

Welcome to the community :partying_face:

So the user is creating the Bike and you need to show the bikes of that user in the dropdown when creating the expense right?

You can add this filter. Current Motorcycle user’s email > is equal to > Logged in user email.


Thank you


Thanks, @dilon_perera, glad to be here!!

That did the trick! Thanks so much! Appreciate the help.

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Great and Your Welcome :+1:

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