Setup notifications for people that haven't created account


I would like to setup notifications.

I would like that when someone use for the first times the mobile app and don’t have created an account, that 2 days later, a notification is sent on his phone to remember to this person that he/she can create an account to unlock more content of the mobile app.

How do to setup that?

All things that i setup don’t works when i test that on Testflight…

you use or zapier

Nothing, i just use Adalo… like it’s writting in the price plan “push notifications included in the professionnal pack”, i suppose that it’s possible to do without Make or Zapier…

Can you help me please ?

Hi @LuckyTravel,

You can’t send a Push notification to the Adalo app without registered user.
Please see the “Requirements” section here:

Adalo uses Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) under the hood, so you may try to experiment with messaging in Firebase Console. Although I’m not sure this will work for non-logged-in users (I suspect that FCM token which identifies the user/device for the Push notification delivery is created upon the user signup/login).


Hello @Victor,

Finally, i tried with account from people registrated but it don’t works… Have i did that correctly or not?