Does anyone have any ideas of how to check for a unique username on signup?
I’ve played around and i cant get the options to do what i need to. I have an input field for Username, however when i go to check that this doesnt already exist there doesnt appear to be a sensible option for me to choose
I imagine this should be pretty basic so not sure what i’m missing exactly!
If you create a signup form from scratch, you can choose what type of signup/login you want the users to use - either username or email. If you select username it will check to make sure that username is not already taken. Is that what you mean?
I’ve had a think and we need the email to be unique, so the additional check i’m looking for is a manual check of a username entered by someone.
I tried to do this via checking the text input that they enter for their username against the list of existing users but i can’t specifically select the options to;
Check ‘Username text input’ with ‘Existing usernames in the DB’
I’ve taken a look at your youtube video and that’s great. However, the check appears to not work if the upper/lower casing of the letters are different though which is i assume just because of the way in which Adalo compares the strings?
Image 1 - showing a username exactly the same as an existing user - works great
Good point, thanks. Seems that the check is case-sensitive. Unfortunately I don’t have any solution at hand…
My question would be - what general problem are you trying to solve? Why emails don’t work (they are checked for uniqueness on Adalo level)?
May be if you could explain a bit, someone from the community can come with a whole another solution
@anon78309838 - do you think this is something which needs changing?
I’m also adding in an option for the user to change their email address but the check of the two examples below says that they’re not the same… seems odd to me personally
It is case sensitive as with most programming this is usually the case (no pun intended).
We have the option to switch between case sensitive and case-insensitive on our backlog but I cannot give you any timeframe when that would be implemented.