Hello everyone.
Is there any real insight as to what might ACTUALLY cause the white screen/crash on pages with lists? It is a problem that has plagued my app building experience from the beginning, and I’ve solved it by doing what is said on the forum here - I delete & rebuild, delete & rebuild. It’s cost me dozens, and dozens of hours. Maybe even a hundred+ hours. It’s been rough.
I’m at my wit’s end, because there’s one screen in my app I’ve revisited & rebuilt 4 times now. It’s a relatively complicated screen, and I’ve had it working before only to have testing users report it’s broken again randomly. Every time, I need to go in, delete components until it works, and then rebuild from scratch the deleted components. I’ve spent the whole weekend rebuilding it another time - This time I deleted components until there was literally nothing left but an empty list, and the page still crashes. I started with a new screen altogether, and refigured my approach to the screen to break it down into a few different screens so that no one screen would be so complicated.
Well, Got it just about done, the “main” page had been working all day. I was running some tests and all of a sudden the “main” Page is crashing now (white screen of death). Another 8+ Hours wasted. WHAT CAN BE DONE??? What do you guys do when you get the white screen of death? What is ACTUALLY HAPPENING HERE? Could it be caused by my collections? I’ve had particular difficulty with this functionality all along - it’s basically just showing records of employee time cards & reimbursement requests. Could there be something with a field in one of the collections involved that’s triggering the error?
If it helps, here’s some screenshots of the Developer’s Panel - I can’t make heads or tails of it, but maybe someone can spot the problem???
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: FYI - As I’m sure you all are aware, If I’m in the previewer (or a web browser on the phone), and I simply refresh the frame, the page works perfectly. And, it will continue working perfectly until the “app” is closed/opened and/or fully refreshed again. then, when navigating back to the screen for the “first time”, it will crash. The screen will NOT work at all on PWA on the phone, since there’s no way to “refresh the frame”. This makes it SUPER frustrating too - I can see all this beautiful functionality working perfectly, so I know everything is built right and set up right, but it’s just destroyed by this STUPID WHITE SCREEN BUG! Please, PLEASE help.