Button can't do more than one "Change Input Value"?

Hi @TomBlue,

This is really strange. The button which I’ve created in the clone of your app stopped working. It started to work again when I changed its settings (transition → none and back to push).

At the same time, the button in my test app (completely separate one) still works fine.

The issue is somehow related to transition: when I changed the transition type to “None” for button, it stops working. However when I change transition to “Push” for Button and Icon, both of them work.
However, in my sample app everything worked fine irrespective of the transition type… and then stopped working for transition “none”.

What I think is that core problem is not related to transition type, but rather is affected by its “speed”; the problem lies somewhere in the way this new “fast loading” thing works (and this has been introduced in instant navigation).
What makes me think so: I have made a sample to update 4 inputs based on the values from the previous screen. So, first 2 inputs are updated, and last 2 are not.
If I’m updating these 4 inputs with static hardcoded values, all 4 are updated.

I may be speculating here, but I think that the reason could be:

  • when the user goes to the next screen, input values on the current one are emptied
  • how it worked before Instant Navigation: upon button press, first values from inputs on the current screen were copied to the inputs on the next screen, then transition was executed (and inputs on the current screen were emptied as a part of it, closer to its finish)
  • how it works now: upon button press, values values from inputs on the current screen are copied at the same time while executing the transition. So, if transition takes “longer” time, more of them are copied before emptying; if transition takes “shorter” time, there is less chance for them to be copied. This is some kind of “race condition”.

Also, based on the info from this thread Is there a way to turn off "Instant Navigation"? - #4 by afonso, I’ve tried to turn off “instant navigation” by adding a “sometimes” condition.
And disabling this instant navigation solved the problem.

Please see the recording here (no sound but everything should be obvious): Loom | Free Screen & Video Recording Software | Loom

@CH_Team @adalojosh this is a very non-obvious issue which is almost impossible to diagnose being a maker. Such bugs produce a lot of frustration as one can’t really understand what’s happening and what is he doing wrong. Could you please pay attention to it?
