Deep Linking is now live

Hey Guys,

After several week of coding and testing and especially that Pragmaflow has stopped supporting their components for the public, I am happy to say that a new Deep Linking component is now available for Adalo’s users, very simple usage, very straightforward.

For more details that’s the tutorial video:

If anyone’s interested, you can request it either by going into
or email me on Email or by going into

Note that the first 5 people to request the component will get a discount.



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Yes, but first 5 to request it will get a discount

Wow Jimmy, I was waiting for this for a long time. Unluckily I can’t afford it right now


It works great I would take this offer but you guys are lucky I didnt get any discount and paid more than $150.

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Realtime chat coming soon :soon:

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I won’t advice you on how to properly price your components cos only you understand the amount of effort it took you. So well done on the deep linking component but I’ll pass on the $150.

Thank you for letting me set the price :slightly_smiling_face:

Does it work in PWAs? :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

Unfortunately no.

I’ll try to work on something for pwa and webapp

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Thank you, I will use it on my market place webapp!

Can you please explain the usage? is it a Webapp on Adalo where you sell and when will the redirection happen?

My users uploads products and create a store inside my webapp. I want deeplinks so each user can share his store with a single link

Oh i see

I’d have the same use case as this for

Okay i’ll be working on something :grinning:


Deep Linking for PWA is halfway through, needs some adjustment, the process is a bit long just a bit, but 100%, not very straightforward like native

@axme, @EnriqueGomez Deep Linking Component for PWA is ready, i’ll prepare a tutorial tomorrow regarding it, and will publish it then


AMAZING! can not wait!